Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is Homosexuality the new Black?

I do a segment on the Larry Young Morning show here in Baltimore every Wednesday from 9am -10am entitled Shero's.Basically it four very intelligent women Enfette, Lady B, Jay, and my self giving you our opinions on Politics, Entertainment, Religion from the black women perspective.
It is very entertaining and today topic was "Is Homosexuality the New Black? Below is the show. Enjoy and don't forget to leave you opinions on this issue


click the link to listen

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Anonymous said...

Hell no.
Aint no "New Black"
Black is Black.
White gay people still oppress Black people.
Gay Black People are still oppressed even by Gay Whites.
Phenotypic traits cant equate to sexuality.
as far as marriage goes; i am more down with polygamy than "gay marriage".
i dont see either one becoming legal.

it is non conclusive, nor is it scientific that homosexuality is biological
no matter what people feel: sexual behavior is a choice:

you are born with sexual organs for the purpose of reproduction; what you do with them is a choice.

everybody has the right to choose to do what they want. I actually dont care what people do in their own lives, whether they or gay or eat pork.

but you cant compare the Black experience to homosexual behavior.

I think it is an insult to the 100's of millions of Back people that were killed, bought, sold and raped by gay and straight white folks in the last 350 years of American history.

James Baldwin was a gay Black man that made the emphasis of his struggle: the struggle of Black people.

in the end; Black people have more important issues than how someone finds sexual fulfillment.


Civ said...

1st thank you for your informative comment totally agree with you on some of your statements. However, this issue should be on that list. Since a lot of us are affected by it because we refuse to talk about it.
